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Addiction is motivated by a secretive force that can’t be seen on the surface, but the yearning desire is never fulfilled because the craving comes back time and time again.

Addiction is an illness by choice that's developed by relapses and a worsening condition of drug use or problematic behaviors that carries negative consequences.

Most people engage in hundreds of different behaviors throughout the day, each one with its own set of concerns. Addiction is complicated and it’s not easy to explain. It starts off simple, but end up too difficult to understand. Addiction is a long-term dependency of a substance intake or behavior disorder.

Not everybody associates themselves with drugs, but with the many different types of behavior habits, there’s plenty to go around to each individual, that no one can exempt him or herself. 

Every human being suffers from some type of disorder. 

It's called addiction and everybody’s got l, what’s yours?

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Tags: Addiction!: Everybody got '1 What's yours, Mildred Stallworth, what is addiction, overcome addictions, Addictions to Substances, types of addiction, forms of addiction, best books on addiction and recovery, substance abuse, addiction books, must read books about addiction, overcoming Addiction Cravings

Self Help | Transitions: 380 | Date: 2019-02-18

Learn Empathic strategies for you and your life; to be more understanding of others

This audiobook is designed to reveal how to augment your latent empathy skills in 10 easy-to-follow steps. You will discover:

· What empathy is all about
· How to increase it
· And how to practice it day to day 

None of the steps proposed are difficult or burdensome. In part, this is because we all have an inherent level of empathy. It may simply not have developed, through lack of use in this fast-moving society we find ourselves living in. 

This audiobook also provides proven strategies to access and develop the empathic skills that lie dormant within you. The benefits to your work, personal, and social environments are difficult to exaggerate.

So, what are you waiting for?
Your audiobook is waiting…
Available on Amazon and iTunes!

Download this audiobook, and start gaining those benefits today! Click Here
Tags: Empathy, A 10-Step Guide to Empathy, Empathy and You Being Empathic, R. Espirito, Empathy Definition, what is empathy, improve your empathy, How to Increase Your Empathy, increase empathy exercises, how to be more empathetic, practice empathy, proven strategies, proven methods, advice

Self Help | Transitions: 368 | Date: 2019-02-17

The book contains easy simple steps which help anyone start writing now. 
It will answer your question on how to write a book? 
It will help you in any level to start writing your book now. 
It will give you the proper guidance to star writing books today and share your thoughts and knowledge.

Discover the best subjects to write about
✓ Learn more about the process of writing
✓ Learn how to write well 
✓ Learn how to get some comments before you publish your book

This book will encourage you to be a writer!

Read More and Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: How To Write A Book, Faiz Ibrahim, writing a book, writing a book for beginners, how to become a good writer, writing a book easy ways, how to write better, writing tips, new authors, new writers, writing advice, how to write a bestseller, how to write well, writing guidance, process of writing, tips for writers

Literature/Culture | Transitions: 337 | Date: 2019-02-13

Book 2 covers the latter half of the amazing Mutant Boy's 14th year and much of his 15th year. 
His earlier revelation that he was designed by a 5-dimensional cosmic engineer called "the Creator" to save live on Earth is rejected by many, especially the rich and powerful and religious conservatives. 
Reverend Peter Langham spearheads the religious opposition to him while many political and military leaders plot against him. 
The Mutant Boy, whose actual name is Mikhail Ivanov, enhances more girls, turning them into EBs (enhanced beings), and his network of young supporters grows rapidly. 
He deals with the brutal beating and rape of one of his EBs, and as a consequence faces a deadly, military-style assault on his life. 

"Book 2 of The Savior, which covers the latter half of the Mutant Boy’s 14th year and much of this 15th year, more than meets the exciting promise of Book 1 and of the subtitle, “A Scientific, Theological, and Sexual Fantasy.” This book, and indeed the entire series, is a brilliant, imaginative, and lively exploration of these three themes."
"Book 2 definitely gets your adrenaline going in Mikhail Ivanov's ability to save hostages and deal with a massive attempt on his life in the dramatic "Texas Showdown." Can't wait to read Book 3."

Now available on Amazon Kindle
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or Click Here to Visit the Official Website
Tags: The Savior, The Transformation, A Scientific, Theological and Sexual Fantasy, Book 2, Michael Mussachia, science fiction, popular sci-fi book series, best selling science fiction books, best selling sci-fi and fantasy books, action and adventure, sci-fi book series, sci-fi novels, page turner, imaginative, greatest sci-fi novels

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 376 | Date: 2019-02-06

Smile with Yoga is a fun, engaging, and overall kid-friendly introduction to a discipline that enriches lives. The book features charming illustrations of children and animals in various yoga poses, playful rhymes, fun animal facts, yoga games, activities, step-by-step poses guide, and encourages children to mimic the postures, practice yoga,  and learn about mindfulness, kindness, awareness and compassion.

Yoga is an excellent habit to form early in life. Just like with adults, it helps children slow down and focus, over time it has positive effects on confidence, self-esteem, and physical health.

You are never too young to start along the joyful path of yoga discovery.

Join in the fun!

"Wonderful yoga book for kids inspired by the animal world. The suggested yoga activity at the end of the book was a surprising fun addition and made this a great bonding activity for the whole family."

Read More and Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Smile with Yoga, Fun, Mindful, and Engaging Yoga for Kids, I. Rekem, Itay Rekem, yoga for kids books, best yoga for kids books, fun, entertainment, educational, yoga for kids guide, yoga and mindfulness, teach kids yoga poses, meditation for kids, illustrations, yoga picture books for kids, children’s books

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 425 | Date: 2019-02-03

21 Days to Awaken Your Power
Rising Up from the Victim Mentality and Into Your Higher Self 

Are you feeling listless or stuck in a rut? 
Maybe you feel drained, taken for granted, or depressed?
Do you feel like you’re meant to do so much more than you currently are? 

In 21 Days to Awaken Your Power, Reiki Master Teacher and spiritual instructor, Panda Hirabayashi, invites you to set aside three weeks to discover your Power. 
21 Days to Awaken Your Power is a day by day guide to beginning a path of self-realization, inner peace, and happiness. It combines ancient mystical knowledge with modern day practices in an easy-to-digest format that aims to given insights into the deepest center of your being. 

Why 21 Days?
Scientific studies have shown it can take as little as 21 days to build positive habits and replace old, toxic ones. 
Each day, you are provided with a little bit of new information to apply to your mindset.

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Tags: 21 Days to Awaken Your Power, Rising Up from the Victim Mentality and Into Your True Self, Panda Hirabayashi, personal transformation, popular self help books, best self help guides, spiritual growth, motivational, inspirational, mindset, meditation, personal growth, happier life, positive, happiness

Self Help | Transitions: 371 | Date: 2019-02-02

"The book was well written and very enjoyable. You can learn a lot about Alaska Native cultures in Southeast Alaska from this book."
"I bought this book because I know the author. I love to read about our history of the Tlingit people. Great book."

Clayton’s biggest fear becomes his realty. He sees his culture fading like autumn leaves falling to the earth with no hope of rejuvenating itself like it does when spring arrives and everything starts its journey all over again.

Elizabeth, Clayton’s daughter and mother of Jonathon and Richard, is married to Sakarja Skovdahl, who drinks a lot and frequently beats her. She eventually leaves him and moves in with her parents. Clayton takes on the father role for the boys by teaching them how to fish, speak Tlingit, and sing and dance.

When Jonathon goes off to school, Clayton is proud because he knows an education will prove beneficial in addition to his time-honored teachings. Little does he know Jonathan will be punished for speaking the native tongue. When Jonathon returns for the summer to help his grandfather at fish camp, Clayton is surprised when Jonathan no longer has a desire to speak his own language. After explicit orders from his grandfather not to use the motors for fishing, Jonathon uses them anyway.

Cedric Moore moves to Dry Bay looking for work. He fights inner demons that haunt him because of his war experiences. Despite his inner battles, Cedric does good deeds and he likes the Tlingit culture and people. After helping one of her sons, he forms a relationship with Elizabeth, who he passionately loves

Available on Amazon Kindle and Paperback!
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Tags: The House of the Frog, Robert Adams, historical fiction, historical fiction novels, historical fiction books, cultural heritage, Tlingit, United States, American, Alaska, Tlingit culture, history of the Tlingit people, Culture of the Tlingit, Yukon, Yakutat, History of the Tlingit, Tlingit facts, Popular Tlingit Books, history

Literature/Culture | Transitions: 418 | Date: 2019-01-30

Travel Guide to China based on personal experiences.

Entwined throughout this entertaining collection of personal stories and anecdotes of Tara’s extensive travels through China are insights gleaned only by a real travel expert. 

Having spent nearly 20 years in the travel industry, most of which as a China specialist, Tara is supremely aware of the kind of information travellers to this breathtaking and bewildering country need, and provides answers to these and other questions that go far beyond the reach of more mainstream guides. Between weighing up the best sections of the Great Wall to trek along to describing an encounter with a soothsayer who refused to, well, soothsay, she recounts her adventures and reflections in a sparkling, wry style that reveals her deep affection for the country, its culture and its people.

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Tags: Contemporary notes from China, Tara Goldsmith, travel guide to China, China travel stories, travel and tourism, travelling to China, personal experiences, real travel experiences, China experiences, travel in China, visit China, trip to China, China travel guide books, books to read begore going to China, Asia

Travel/Tourism | Transitions: 388 | Date: 2019-01-26

Autism can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be that way. Many people including parents and people directly involved with autistic kids are often on the search for information that will help them understand autistic behavior better, but are often disappointed as most books on the topic tend to treat autistic behaviors in a clinical, theoretical and detached manner that is often divorced from reality.

In this insightful guide, Ezra Levi pulls back the curtain on the heavily misunderstood topic and gives you a clear look into the thought processes of autistic children with a powerful combination of the latest research on the topic along with real-world observations, helping you understand what underlies their behavior and experiences.

Dealing with autistic people can be a life-disrupting challenge or a life-enriching experience depending on how you choose to approach it. If you choose the latter, then Bridge to Autism is a guide will get you started on the way to better relationships and communication with autistic people.

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Tags: Bridge to Autism, The ultimate Guide, Understanding And Dealing With Autistic Children, Ezra Levi, dealing with autism, parenting a child with autism, fact about autism, symptoms, autism and behavior, educating child with autism, raising child with autism, how to handle Challenging Autism Behaviors 

Self Help | Transitions: 334 | Date: 2019-01-25

Many children are mentally and emotionally trapped due to parents who unconsciously use witchcraft techniques as a parenting tool. It quite often leaves a trail of children who “Never feel good enough” about themselves and is the root cause of witchcraft parenting.  

Most parents come from painful, hurtful and abusive homes, where witchcraft techniques was used as a parenting tool by their own parents.  The inner critic “I am not good enough” was then created to deal with the pain, hurt and abuse those parents experienced in their childhood and then passed on successfully to their own children. 

The attempt to control your children to make them do what you want is a form of witchcraft.  Witchcraft parenting includes intimidation, manipulation and domination. 

The book “Parenting Without Witchcraft” offers parents, teachers and caregivers twenty-five symptoms and solutions to become more mindful of the role we all play in the life a child.

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Tags: Parenting Without Witchcraft, Top 25 Symptoms and Solutions, Yvonne Brooks, parenting, relationships, parenting advice, parenting help, parenting tips, Witchcraft and Parenting, kind and children, tips for parents, tips for teachers, tips for caregivers, Witchy parenting, Early Childhood, childcare, family

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 386 | Date: 2019-01-23

A collection of personal short stories from 20 more authors, speakers, and life coaches bonding together for the common goal of sisterhood, and to transform women from the inside out. best-selling author Saba Tekle has compiled these stories from women who have experienced devastating circumstances, loss, and disappointments. 
The one thing that connects them all: they had the strength to heal, find their purpose through their pain and now passionately help others in the areas of self-love, spirituality, relationships, health, and forgiveness. 
Many of these stories, told here for the very first time, will empower you to make real changes in your life, heal down to your soul, find your passion, and live your divine purpose, now. You will find stories you can connect with, learn from, cry with, and grow from. 
It's a must read for anyone desiring connection with other real women and true transformation. 

This compelling book may change your life forever!

Editorial Reviews
What makes it a must-read are its rich, relatable, and layered perspectives: women discovering their gifts, overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, reflecting on the paths they've taken, and being an inspiration to everyone around them.
Huffington Post - Sean Gardner

Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: 20 Beautiful Women, 20 More Stories That Will Heal Your Soul, Ignite Your Passion, And Inspire Your Divine Purpose, Holli Pellman, amazing books by women, amazing books for women, biographies, memoirs, best women memoirs 2019, popular women’s biographies, spirituality, self help, inspirational, motivational, life changes, relationships, hope, love, loss, health

Self Help | Transitions: 297 | Date: 2019-01-22

Lovers, Players & The Seducer is contemporary novel, a bittersweet novel that combines suspense, romance and the unexpected.

Being an older brother has its perks. At least that’s what Nicholas thinks. His sister Lacey is the perfect target of his manipulative schemes after a series of bad investments places him in a great need of money. He’s spent his and he needs more. He plots and schemes his way into getting others to do his bidding.
As Nicholas let loose a series of plans, he unleashes tragic forces that opens up doors to the past. The past where the dead never dies. Will Lacey discover her brother’s deception before it’s too late? 

A brother’s web of deceit begins this gripping novel that will propel you into a world of seduction, temptation and danger.

"This was a very exciting and hot read! I couldn't put this one down and the entire story was very intriguing. Many twists and turns with this one as well as some of the author's previous work. This is a great romantic novel and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for one."

Available on Amazon Kindle and Now in Paperback!
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Tags: Lovers, Players & The Seducer, A Storm Is Coming, A Geek, An Angel Series, J A Jackson, contemporary novel, suspense, romantic novel, romance novel, suspense, suspenseful, twists and turns, page turner, romantic suspense, best romantic suspense, intriguing, popular romantic novels, seduction, temptation

Love/Romance | Transitions: 433 | Date: 2019-01-21

The Benefits of Meditation is all about how everyone in society can benefit from daily meditation to help take the edge of that comes in today's society. 

It includes several meditation techniques so the reader can pick and choose which one suits them best.

Not only will you learn how to meditate but the book will also open your mind to think about how meditating daily can change the way you think and have a positive impact on your actions. 

The Benefits of Meditation goes into detail on how meditation can help the young and the old of our society to help them deal with everyday problems that life can bring. 

Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: The Benefits of Meditation, Why Should We Meditate, Benn Hunsley, meditation, meditation techniques, improve your life, meditation and happiness, achieve your goals, transform your life, make your life better, types of meditation, best meditation techniques for you, mental health, spiritual, physical benefits

Self Help | Transitions: 319 | Date: 2019-01-19

"A foundational book, written by doctor Onebamoi. It is a ‘back to basics’ exegesis, focusing on the Bible, and the promises therein. Doctor Onebamoi utilizes transliterations, mostly from Greek text with Strong’s references, explaining God ’s word, and how it can positively influence life."

God’s Word stands out as the only remedy for human maladies and the principal instrument for man’s salvation.

God's Word “My Guarantee”: Unleashing the power of God's Word in Your Life, reveals the essence and importance of God’s Word as it relates to the believer in Christ. This book is a clear and concise book that illuminates the treasures of God’s promises with declarations of His will, purpose, and principles to man.

In this book, Dr. Richard Onebamoi shares that God’s Word serves as a catalyst that propels and enables us to function and fulfil our God-given destinies as we seek to advance God’s plans and purposes on the earth.

This book will help you understand that God's Word is an indispensable, comprehensive resource for equipping men and in turn making them competent in their service of God.

Discover God's Word My Guarantee, and you will live an extraordinary life today!

Read More and Grab Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: God's Word My Guarantee, Unleashing The Power of God's Word In Your Life, Richard Onebamoi, religion, spirituality, Bible, The Holy Bible, Christianity, Christian books, God, Lord, motivational, inspiring, inspirational, faith, hope, spiritual, change your life, popular Christian books, best selling Christian books

Self Help | Transitions: 398 | Date: 2019-01-19

For Miranda Hazelgrove, life is relatively boring and humdrum, as a young student in New York she spends most of her time just trying to make end's meet. 
For Leofric son of Cedric, life is wild and turbulent, after being exiled from his throne and on the run he finds himself in a strange city unlike anything he's ever seen. 
A stranger from another time, he struggles to survive in his new environment until by chance his path crosses with Miranda's, changing both of their lives forever.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
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Tags: The Prince of Manhattan, Alexei Iskander, love and romance, romance novels, love novels, best romantic novels right now, romance novels to read in 2019, fantasy, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi books, fantasy novels you should read, time travel, time travel books, time travel novels, time travel books romance

Love/Romance | Transitions: 413 | Date: 2019-01-15

"From start to finish, this story is full of adventure, shocking truths, and hope. Brandon is survivor and his story is inspirational! He’s a great example of what’s possible when someone learns to value themselves."

Life is exactly what you make it, if you allow yourself to quit you will become a quitter. Our Lord fought and died for us so that we may have peace, longevity, and prosperity.

Self-Value: The Story of Me, is an eye-opening, poignant, often hilarious story that explores my twelve years of childhood homelessness, juvenile delinquency and success. My life story is about a mother and son in peril that finds serenity through their faith. In sharing my story, I highlight many problems society is faced with today such as domestic violence, illiteracy, bullying, low self-esteem, depression, and suicide. My story resonates with people fighting against those conditions and similar life experiences. This account of grand proportion has its fair share of humor, inspiration, suspense, betrayal, crime, sex and romance. 

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Tags: Self-Value, The Story of Me, Brandon Williams, biographies, memoirs, personal stories, inspiring, inspirational, self help, personal transformation, personal growth, must read self help books, best selling memoirs, must read memoirs, memoirs everyone should read, Autobiographies, God, Lord, motivational

Self Help | Transitions: 362 | Date: 2019-01-14

Handle life situations with ease using switch words

"Love this book. Greatly enjoyed this book. I will definitely recommend to family and friends. A fun and enjoyable read."

Life throws many challenges on daily basis, sometimes it's easy to get going but at times it can hard to handle things that may come all of sudden. In such situations, how good it will be if you can get timely help & support by finding solutions to fix or handle a certain situation nicely.

Well that's what switch words can do. You can choose a combination of switch words and start using them and let the universe for you.

There is list of switch words in this book for almost every life situation. Use them and fulfil your dreams.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
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Tags: Switch Words, Fulfil your dreams, Lalit Kumar, best self help books, popular self help books, self help books 2019, self help books to read right now, must read self help books, personal growth, personal transformation, transform your life, spiritual, inspirational, inspiring, happier life, handle life situations

Self Help | Transitions: 401 | Date: 2019-01-05

"Great page-turner. This debut novel of Neil Perry Gordon’s certainly makes for a compelling read."
"OMG!!! Neil!!!! I just finished the book!! I am in shock...and awe!!! Completely blown away by your writing!!"

A Cobbler’s Tale is an adventure story about Pincus Potasznik, a second-generation Jewish cobbler, born in a small shtetl in the province of Galicia, part of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. 

In 1910, at the historic height of the massive Eastern European immigration wave to the New World, Pincus decides to leave behind his pregnant wife, and three small children, in order to seek a new life for his family in the burgeoning Lower East Side of Manhattan. On his traumatic voyage across the Atlantic Ocean on the SS Amerika steamship, Pincus meets Jakob Adler, a young man running from an accidental murder of a notorious crime boss in Warsaw. 

The story also explores the challenges of pregnant Clara Potasznik as she does her best to protect her family, while the bloodiest battles of World War I explode within miles of her family home, a small village called Krzywcza. Moshe, the young son of Pincus and Clara Potasznik, discovers his divine ability to foretell dire events, and to offer real comfort those in pain, taking the reader into the wisdom and mystery surrounding the ancient Jewish mysticism, known as Kabbalah. 

A Cobbler’s Tale is a story of a family’s survival against tremendous odds.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
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Tags: A Cobbler's Tale: A Novel, Neil Perry Gordon, Jewish, literature and fiction, new world, historical fiction, page turner, old world, real world, best historical novels, popular historical novels, America, American, must read historical novels, historical novels to read right now, unique, New York in 1900s, immigrants,

Literature/Culture | Transitions: 410 | Date: 2018-12-23

The purpose of this book is answering the question ( Hоw do you сhооѕе the tуре оf уоgа right for уоu? ) 

Nо оnе knоwѕ еxасtlу how old уоgа iѕ. It originated аѕ lоng аѕ 10,000 tо 5000 уеаrѕ аgо. 
It wаѕ passed dоwn оrаllу and hаѕ gone thrоugh muсh еvоlutiоn. Thе earliest rеfеrеnсе tо Yoga was found whеn archeological excavations wеrе made in thе Induѕ vаllеу - аn amazing роwеrful аnd influеntiаl сivilizаtiоn in the еаrlу antique реriоd. This ѕорhiѕtiсаtеd сulturе dеvеlореd аrоund thе Induѕ river and the lоng gone Sаrаѕvаti rivеr in nоrthеrn India, on the bоrdеr towards Pakistan аnd hаd ѕеwаgе ѕуѕtеmѕ, baths as early as 2,600 BC. 

Whilе many rеligiоnѕ continue tо want to make уоgа their оwn сrеаtiоn, it bеlоngѕ to all оf uѕ. It has mаnу fасеtѕ that can be fоund in thе Hindu аnd Buddhiѕt faith, but the bаѕiс principals аrе univеrѕаl аnd based оn "the eight limbѕ оf yoga", whiсh can bе fоund in all rеligiоnѕ.

This book contains : HISTORY OF YOGA, THE MАJОR SYSTEMS ОF YОGА, THЕ ЕIGHT LIMBЅ ОF УОGА, YOGA BENEFITS, and Hоw do you сhооѕе the tуре оf уоgа right for уоu? 

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: Yoga, Helen Vines, how to choose the right type of yoga, history of yoga, types of yoga, forms of yoga, all about yoga, yoga facts, yoga information, yoga results, yoga guide, alternative medicine, health and fitness, healthy living, improve your health, development of yoga, what is yoga, roots of yoga, yoga book

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 425 | Date: 2018-12-22

Five Stories. Five Killers. Lots of ghosts.

Serial kilers, spirit guides, ghost hunters, shadow people; all show up in the stories of this book to give you a good scare. Each story takes you to a different level of terror, from everyday to paranormal, and the feeling of unease and fright you will feel reading them will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.

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Tags: Pages of Fear, Five Stories About the Dead, Lionel T. Duncan, horror stories, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, Terrifying Horror Stories, scary stories, must read horror stories, horror stories to read right now, best horror stories 2018, popular horror stories 2019, horror fiction, horror books, horror ebooks

Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense | Transitions: 287 | Date: 2018-12-19

Are You Tired Of Suffering From Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Depression? 
Have You Tried Everything With Little Or No Results? 
Now You Can Enjoy True Freedom In 2 Minutes Or Less. 
You Will Be Amazed as You Easily Obtain True Freedom From Whatever has Been Holding You Back!

Grab Your Copy and Instantly Obtain Freedom from Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Depression! Click Here
Tags: 2 Minutes to Freedom, Instantly Obtain Freedom from Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Depression, Derek Banks, overcoming worry and anxiety, overcoming fear, overcoming depression, fight depression, how to deal with anxiety, manage anxiety and stress, anxiety relief, change your life, transform your life, happiness

Self Help | Transitions: 347 | Date: 2018-12-13

I WON primary legal & physical child custody. I WON child support. I WON our home. I DIDN'T PAY alimony. I DIDN'T PAY spousal support. My STBX (soon to be ex) paid some of MY court costs and got visitation every other weekend. She worked full-time, didn’t have a seedy past and we raised our children together for 10+ years. Still I WON. 

MENy Calculations: Win Divorce & Custody Before You Step Into Court (Volume 1), isn’t like typical divorce books for men. It arms guys with valuable insight, help and tips for messy divorces and how to strategically win. This book delivers practical divorce help for men. All men - not just fathers seeking child custody.

MENy Calculations, invites you into the 20% club of custodial fathers who won their divorces and child custody - like me. This savage and ambitious book shows you how to prepare for the fight of your life - through a surprisingly simple and groundbreaking approach.

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Tags: MENy Calculations, J. Alfa Mais, Win Divorce & Custody Before You Even Step Into Court, Divorce & Separation, family and relationships, Winning Your Divorce, preparing for divorce, divorce books for men, divorce tips for men, divorce advice for men, top books on divorce, win custody of a child

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 437 | Date: 2018-12-08

Have you ever wondered: “What do the women who sell their bodies and souls at night do in the daytime"?  

“The Daytime Lives of the Ladies of the Night” is the second book in “The $7 Series”. This follow-up book to “Never a $7 Whore” continues to detail the lives of three escorts: Baby, Essence, Irish and their trainee, Tee.

The women each lead painful and isolated lives, working in the sex industry by night, while trying to maintain some normality to their existence by day.

As each of them struggles with who they are and what they do for a living, "The Daytime Lives of the Ladies of the Night" reminds us that success is within their reach if they have the desire and determination to change their destinies.

"SO ENGAGING Like nothing I have read before. Can't put it down. Easy to read and fast paced. Truly the inside story that left me reeling."

by Toni Crowe 
Bestselling Author of the $7 Series

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Tags: The Daytime Lives Of The Ladies Of The Night, My Journey from a Lady of the Night to the Lady of the Boardroom, Book 2, Toni Crowe, real life stories, inspiring, suspenseful, The Fortune 500, successful women, most successful women, business and finances, business etiquette, sexual addiction, addiction

Self Help | Transitions: 425 | Date: 2018-11-29

"A fun read that flows well with a blend of science and greek mythology. The end leaves you wanting more."

In our universe, Sparta defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian war. 
In this new, funny and action-packed novel read how Zeevik, a rejuvenated man, and his friend who is an unconventional god traveled to another dimension and changed history by confronting the Spartans and the Olympian Gods. 
The fact that a beautiful fugitive local girl seduces Zeevik further complicates matters.

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: A New God in Athens, A humorous sci-fi and fantasy action in classical Greece, Peter Kornis, Sparta, Peloponnesian war, Olympian Gods, Spartans, Greek mythology, Ancient Greece, historical books, historical fiction, science fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, novels set in Ancient Greece, Greek & Roman

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 424 | Date: 2018-11-25

In Life, Love and the Pursuit Of, the author walks us through some of our universal challenges, using her own personal experiences as a guide. 
With great candor, she offers tangible advice, instilling within readers compassion, inspiration, and most of all optimism. 
For anyone who has ever felt alone in their struggle, Life, Love and the Pursuit Of offers a powerful reminder that you are not.

"Wow. What an awesome book to read. Life, Love and the Pursuit of was an inspiration for me to read. Amazing how the author uses her own thoughts and life experiences to connect with the reader."
"This is an all around great read. Whether its relationship problems, issues with friends, motivation to help reach your goals, or just help coping with life this book will help."

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Tags: Life, Love and the Pursuit Of, I won't give up, if you don't give up, Acamea L. Deadwiler, popular motivational books, inspiring, inspirational, best selling self help books, popular self help books, negative thinking, overcome, positive, life change, achieve your goals, transform your life, become more successful

Self Help | Transitions: 381 | Date: 2018-11-21

Take control of your wealth, minimise tax, maximise wealth, reduce risk and pay low fees!

"An Invaluable Resource! As an up-and-coming retiree, I have been looking into bolstering my retirement funds for some time now.  I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a realistic plan that will help you secure your future after retirement. A+"

Retire Rich A “How to Guide” on retiring on the income you want with the investments you control the peace of mind your family deserves and the freedom to live. 

Using a Self Manager superannuation fund may Australian'st, Americans, Canadiana and British have managed to maximise their wealth and in lost of cases minimise tax.

In this book I will talk a lot about Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) and their lesser known cousins, Small APRA Funds (SAFs).

Why a book on retirement using Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) and Small APRA Funds (SAFs)? 

SMFSFs and SAFs are not the only vehicles that can get you to your retirement destination. However, if you really want control over your retirement and financial future, an SMSF or SAF is the direction that you should be heading in.

Take Action Now! Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Retire Rich, George Slater, retirement guide, Self-managed super fund (SMSF), Small APRA funds, SMSF Benefits, business and finances, bolster your retirement funds, retirement planning, investing, retirement investing, business and money, investing, boost your retirement funds, super fund for your wealth

Business/Finances | Transitions: 382 | Date: 2018-11-17

The balance doesn't only affect us spiritually, it affects us in all aspects of life and also in our economy and politics.

"A must read for everyone. Excellent book. Fantastic read, very eye opening with a fresh perspective. Given the current political and spiritual climate globally this could not have come at a better time. So many interesting topics are covered in a manner that feels new but with a sense of wisdom that is timeless."

Followed my Star (Volume 3) is the book of all the solutions provided throughout the storyline. It explains a new age philosophy towards world peace. How the universe and our world works. 

It takes you into a place of self-exploration and the desire of finding yourself with answers. You will finally figure out yourself and the world around you by reading this book. 

Warning: This book is a different type of approach to world peace. It uses at times a bold tone, because the reality we live in is not pretty at all times.

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Tags: Followed my Star, AR Annahita, must read books 2018, books your must read right now, politics, current political climate, spiritual, inspiring, inspirational, philosophy, universe, balance, spiritually, economy and politics, new age philosophy, world peace, social sciences, self-help, bestselling, popular, political issues

Literature/Culture | Transitions: 434 | Date: 2018-11-16

What does Norwegian seduction look like? 
Men are strange creatures, no matter what country they come from, but when you venture into the icy stretches of Norway, you’re in for, let’s say an experience!

You're about to start dating a Norwegian man, or you have your eye on one?
You've dated one in the past and want your experience to be validated?

Either way, you've come to the right place!

Available on Amazon and Smashwords
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Tags: Date Norwegian Men, Think Again, Real Life Experiences Uncovered, K.B Kolawole, Norwegian men dating, Date a Scandinavian, love and romance, relationships, Norwegian man in love, typical Norwegian man, Norwegian dating etiquette, Norwegian guys personality, The Norwegian Dating Culture

Dating/Relationships | Transitions: 472 | Date: 2018-11-12

Take a breath – you have got this, one day one step at a time. There are rainbows coming after the rain. You don’t have to solve all your problems right now, it’s okay to take a breath, find your feet and steady yourself. 
The words to follow, are the matches you can use to light the candle of hope, which sits within your heart. As the song goes “this little light of mine I am going to let it shine!”

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: How to find the light in your darkest hour, Robin Roberts, Nanaimo Psychic Medium, spirituality, personal growth, self help, personal development, self improvement, personal transformation, spiritual healing, mental and spiritual healing, spiritual healing books, emotional healing, psychology healing

Self Help | Transitions: 430 | Date: 2018-11-11

"A fantastic read. Captivating and Addictive, this book will have you wanting more. I hope to read more from this author!!"
"A fabulous read from start to finish. Magic and mystery cleverly combined. I cant wait to see the movie!!!"


Ziggy's life turns a corner when he is welcomed into the Magic Circle by Examinations Secretary, Michael Lafarge.

But when he suspects there is more than coincidence to the uncanny resemblance between Lafarge and a renowned mind-reader from Edwardian times, he discovers the world of magic has a far more sinister purpose for its audience than just entertainment.

To prove it he must use his repertoire of illusions to expose Lafarge for what he truly is and foil a plot that threatens the existence of mankind itself.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
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Tags: Deadly Illusions, There's More To Magic Than Meets The Eye, Tim Jordan, science fiction, fantasy, sci-fi novels to read right now, must read fantasy books, action and adventure, popular sci-fi books, magic, magical, twists and turns, entertaining, mystery, suspense, humour, humorous, hero, heroes, aliens

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 333 | Date: 2018-11-10