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In GAME THIEF we meet Terrence, a calculating career criminal who vows to give his "seed" a better life than the one he's experienced. Each decision Terrance makes is centered around his love for his family. Including whether to pull one last job; the perfect heist. But when things don't happen quite how they were planned, Terrance must trust his freedom to a woman whose checkered past demands he doesn't. |
Keith O’Keefe has been able to see auras all of his life. He told his best friend, Lindsey, about it when they were twelve years old. She was the only one to believe him… a little bit, anyway. A chance meeting on a Florida beach reconnects the two childhood friends, and Lindsey’s aura is as bright as ever. When they hold hands, something magical happens... |
Build the Incredible Physique You’ve Always Wanted! Do you want a stronger and healthier body? Do you want to look your best and impress your friends and family? Would you like to know the weight loss secrets of professional body builders? |
An Erotic Thrill Ride of a Werelion Paranormal Romance Adventure |
Set in San Francisco's Tenderloin district in the 1980's, 5150 depicts a failure in the rite of passage from adolescence to adulthood. When young, gay Ethan Lloyd awakens to tremors he is first convinced they are little earthquakes. They turn out to be a forewarning of a psychotic episode that lands him first in jail, and then transferred or "5150'ed" to the mental hospital. Told in the first person with an extremely unreliable narrator, the book drags the reader into the world of madness and mental hospitals, with only the occasional gasp for air in the agreed-upon common reality most of us share. Ethan's struggle to regain his sanity is pockmarked with psychosis and cigarette smoke intertwined in a coffee-ringed world of hairspray, dyed black hair, hobos, and hospital gowns. Were it not for society's waterlogged safety nets, he might never have returned to share his tale of survival. |
Tо аttаіn thе hіghеѕt lеvеlѕ оf асhіеvеmеnt and success requires рhеnоmеnаl motivation: іmаgіnе hоw mоtіvаtеd an athlete must bе and rеmаіn in order tо bесоmе world class! Tо stay аt thе tор іѕ еvеn mоrе сhаllеngіng thаn reaching the ріnnасlе of ѕuссеѕѕ. Sо whаt еxасtlу is motivation? Whаt dеfіnіtіоn саn wе gіvе to іt fоr соntіnuіng асhіеvеmеnt аnd реrреtuаl success? And how do we cultivate more of it? This book will show you proven techniques to help keep you motivated and focused on achieving your goals. Motivation is the key factor between success and failure so start reading and learning how to cultivate this essential energy today. |
Do You Want To Understand More About Social Media and What It Can Do For Your Business?
A Tale of Love Rekindled, A Can't Miss Read Sure To Fill Your Heart With Laughter, Mystery and Adventure |
Hailey has been given a book from her Grandfather Tom it has stories of hidden treasure and maps. One of them is about the Legend of Tupa’s heart. Her grandfather would often tell her stories about all the treasure hunts that he went on, and the treasure he would find. Hailey wanted to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a treasure hunter too. |
Sizzling New Release Her new bodyguard Derek turns out to be more than muscle. She falls for him hard and even more shocking he falls for her! Of course she has no idea Derek and his muscle bound friends are all Werecats. If they ever find anytime alone with a crazy stalker after her, mutant freaks, crazy Werewolves and of course her Dad showing up whenever they are alone she will find out soon enough, because when the clothes come off the fur grows. |
Fragments of Fear: Bite Sized Bits of Terror by Michael Kelso |
"Adorable, uplifting,and enchanting! The best romance I've read in years! I want to move to Kissing Bridge and live in their world. I loved both the first two in the series but this might be the best yet!!!!" The final book in the #1 Best Selling Series! |