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So your best friend or family member just asked you to officiate their wedding. Congratulations! Now you realize that you don’t know where to start, but don’t worry, that is where The Modern Officiant’s Guide comes in. This guide was created to allow you to make the perfect ceremony for any couple. Here you will learn to create ceremonies for your friends and family of any faith and for the non-religious people in your life as well. The Modern Officiant’s guide will teach you everything you need to know as quickly as possible. Inside you will find a simple, straightforward and step by step guide to creating the perfect wedding ceremony. This book will guide you through the technicalities of becoming an officiant, your responsibilities, talking with the happy couple, selecting the correct readings or rituals, making sure nothing is overlooked and, in the end, creating the perfect ceremony. You can do this! And the Modern Officiant’s Guide is here to help you through every step to make a beautiful and memorable ceremony.
What does it mean to “Act our age?” How are we supposed to act? Silver Disobedience is the largest daily conversation about living and loving agelessly. It is an interactive discussion, open to all who value the importance of appreciating each stage of life – from birth to our last breath. And most important? Every discussion serves as a reminder of the fact that you are already enlightened and you have gained deep knowledge through living. Every person and every experience in your life to date was essential to helping you further showcase who you are today: A one of a kind gift to the world! Silver Disobedience reminds us that we are each an original, never-to-be-replicated, be-ing. And, so are the coffee baristas, the mechanics who fix our cars, the nurses, plumbers, teachers, moms, dads – and basically everyone else we have ever encountered. We are all uniquely original. So, where it gets complicated is this: We are each coping with life’s daily challenges at the same time we are also navigating personal and work relationships with other equally unique people. This is both our challenge and opportunity. Each day a new Silver Disobedience essay takes a deep dive into who we are. Together, thousands join in as we discuss who we still want to become and all that we want to accomplish. We also share ideas about how to intertwine our hopes and dreams so they fit in with the “others” in our lives. The community at Silver Disobedience is fully engaged in learning to better understand and love the person we are today while embracing all that we can become tomorrow. We honor the ideas of respect and relevancy for all. https://SilverDisobedience.Rocks |
Would you like to discover how to unlock this hidden desire inside any man's mind? Stupidly Simple Technique Will Work On ANY Man, EVEN The One That Despises You! Even the man who abandoned you will do ANYTHING to win your love again... Amazingly... It Even Works If You're In a Relationship That's Become Distant And Is Destined For A Breakup Watch Video And Get The Secret Techniques Right Now |
WISDOM OF FRIENDS Wisdom of Friends- is a heart to heart talk show where I interview fascinating, inspiring Global Contribution Initiative (GCI) is a social enterprise and a catalyst to benefit humanity. Your Friend and Host (Kal Aras, Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur) Learn More. Click Here to Visit Our Website |
Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom. ~ The Minimalists Would you like to work less, live more, become debt free, and really enjoy all aspects of life? Welcome To Live Well. Love Much! This blog is designed to incorporate loads of different ideas on living leaner without giving up the enjoyment of life. Learn More. Click Here To Visit Our Website |
Most people chase their “perfect body” for weeks, months, or years — some even struggle for a lifetime. There is a secret weapon that not only lets you melt away 1–2 pounds of stubborn body fat off EACH DAY... and also maintain this weight loss for a LIFETIME. Check out this scientifically proven method — which has already worked for thousands across the globe — right now. |
Women in Their 40's Ultimate Guide: Reviews and information so that you can make informed decisions.
Women in Their 40's Ultimate Guide We provide reviews and information so that you can make informed decisions. Our latest articles: |