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A drunken kite-boarder, Cody Catanzaro, falls harder for Dr. Amanda Knoxville than he fell from the sky while trying to jump the Mobile, Alabama pier. A mysterious implant is found in his gluteus maximus during an MRI, and the implant turns out to be an exact replica of a crop-circle that had appeared in England in the year 2007. That crop-circle pointed to a two-week period in 2012. A two-week period that many paranormal experts believed would have something to do with the return of Quetzalcoatl, the ancient Mayan god.

Cody had inexplicably gone missing during those two weeks, and has no recollection of his lost time.

Did Quetzalcoatl actually return? Bizarre happenings suggest that maybe he did.
As more and more weirdness begins to follow the clueless kite-boarder, Cody decides he wants to change for Amanda Knoxville. He has no idea of how much change is in his future, and how much the future of the world will depend upon his change.
Read More And Get The Book For Free (Sat: 14th May) Click Here
Tags: Becoming Quetzalcoatl, fantastic, unique, sci-fi comedy, romantic sci-fi comedy, romantic sci-fi fantasy books, Science Fiction Romance Books, Best Sci-Fi Romance, Best Futuristic Romance novels

eBooks | Transitions: 693 | Date: 2016-05-12

Hailey has been given a book from her Grandfather Tom it has stories of hidden treasure and maps. One of them is about the Legend of Tupa’s heart. Her grandfather would often tell her stories about all the treasure hunts that he went on, and the treasure he would find. Hailey wanted to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and become a treasure hunter too.
Hailey’s grandfather was taking another trip, she begged for her and Milo ( her best friend) to come along this time, he agreed as long as they stayed out of trouble. The trip was to a church in a small town, Hailey recognised the name of the town and knew it was close to the book she had read on The legend of Tupa’s Heart. While Tom was investigating the church, Hailey and Milo took the opportunity to see if the legend was real.
Children will love this book to read or have it read to them. The moral to the story at the end is a learning experience for all children.
Get it now. Click here
Tags: Hailey's Adventure: The Legend of Tupa's Heart, children’s ebooks, children’s books, best selling children’s books, action books for children, adventure books for children, children’s fiction, treasure, hidden treasure and maps, journey, treasure hunters

eBooks | Transitions: 748 | Date: 2016-04-19