
Arts [10] Auto [3] Business/Finances [91] Business Opportunities [17]
Computers/Science/Technology [19] Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss [57] Dating/Relationships [7] Education/Community/How To's [93]
Entertainment [29] Literature/Culture [40] Love/Romance [69] Marketing [12]
Medicine/Health [25] Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense [129] Fantasy & Sci-fi [91] Self Help [168]
Sports [4] Travel/Tourism [7]

Sites in section: 708
Shown sites: 481-510
Pages: « 1 2 ... 15 16 17 18 19 ... 23 24 »

Are you ready to start an adventure that will change your life forever?

Learn simple techniques that will allow you to live in the present moment, get rid of fear and self-limiting beliefs, and design the life you want and that you deserve. 
You will also acquire several techniques to release stress.

Is there something you want to change or amplify your life? 
Do you want more prosperity? 
Or a different job? 
Or a loving relationship? 

This 28-day adventure will teach you the principles and give you the tools and techniques to tap into Source and connect to the power that is inherent in all of us. Learn to believe in and use this power and it will be there to help you transform your life. 

All you need is just a desire for change. 
Read More and Get Your Copy for FREE. Click Here
Tags: Create Your Own Destiny, A 28 Day Adventure, Gloria Pierson, healthy living, personal development, self help guide, self books you should read, popular self help books, self help books 2018, achieve your goals, personal growth, change your life, become more successful, transform your life, personal transformation

Self Help | Transitions: 400 | Date: 2018-01-17

"Carlos Chavez has done a great job with presenting the information so that you can make a quality decision about your education choices. This is a great book for students, parents, grandparents, and yes educators."

If you are one of the many people thinking of changing or improving your current situation and lifestyle, you may have considered enrolling in a for-profit, post-secondary career training institution. These are the schools that you often see advertised on TV, in local newspapers, and on the Internet. But due to bad business practices and deceptive approaches, these schools have created an environment that puts profit over competence, leading thousands of students to suffer financial and educational losses as a result. 

This book was written with a specific objective: to create awareness of for-profit, post-secondary career training institutions. It is based on personal experiences and many years at these kinds of institutions.

Available in Kindle, Paperback and Audiobook
Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here

Tags: Don't Fall For It, The Truth about For-Profit Career Institutions, Carlos Chavez, career training and education, society and communities, for profit colleges, for profit universities, students, parents, grandparents, educators, for-profit higher education, professional, continuing education, advice

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 396 | Date: 2018-01-16

"If you read one work of non-fiction this year; let this be it!" New York Times Best Selling Author J.L. King
"A provocative page turner! This book will leave you breathless with its protagonist's whirlwind of a life seemingly spinning out of control."

......soldier, father and husband Charles E. Sullivan is home on leave. The night heat is almost unbearable. He looks patiently out the window at the trees that are swaying back and forth in the wind. Rain the size of a pebble is pounding on the roof top as if begging to get in. This is not new to him; he has lived on the island that sits off the coast of Georgia most of his life. His two young children jump as the lightning that flashes across the sky is followed by a roaring thunder that shakes the walls of their small home. There is a faint crackling sound and the house is blanketed in darkness. It is within that instance that the life of a loving family would change forever. His children are stolen, he is left a cripple and the wife he's  loved since grade school abandons him. Fourteen years would go by before he would see them again.

Read More and Get Your Copy of the Award Winning Memoir "Cucumbers Have Thorns and Snakes Love Strawberries" by Janice E. Sullivan Now. Click Here
Tags: Cucumbers Have Thorns and Snakes Love Strawberries, a Story of Courage, Faith and Survival, Janice E. Sullivan, award winning memoirs, best selling biographies and memoirs, popular memoirs, inspiring, inspirational, motivational, Top selling biographies, biography and memoir books you should read

Literature/Culture | Transitions: 484 | Date: 2018-01-10

This book has actionable information on how to burn fat, build muscle, look lean and build strength through strength training as a woman.

For many people, the mention of the words ‘strength training’ evokes an image of a well-toned/ripped/shredded man at the gym lifting barbells, dumbbells and using all manner of equipment/tools. Rarely will people think of women at the mention of ‘strength training’. 

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that women don’t need strength training. While we women may not be aiming to have six-pack or build biceps like men, this doesn’t mean strength training is not for us. In fact, we could use some abs, well-toned hand muscles free from bingo wings, waist free from love handles and a host of other benefits like greater core strength, stronger back muscles, stronger upper body, stronger arms and much, much more! 

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Fat Loss & Strength Training For Women, burn fat for women, muscle building for women, strength building for women, weight loss tips for women, Jessica Wright, fitness and exercise, health and fitness

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 400 | Date: 2018-01-09

99+ Magic herbs and ancient medicines for healing ailments: depression, cancer, dementia, gout, diabetes, ... ADHD, headaches, strokes, blood pressure 

"Great book. This author is very good at giving you as much as info as possible. You will be surprised at all the uses for this herb. This book has a lot of information to help you out."

Did you know that some herbs and spices contain a wide variety of some of the most potent antioxidants and are not just an excellent culinary in your cooking? 
In fact, many herbs and spices rank even higher in antioxidant activity compared to that of fruits and vegetables, and some spices like Tulasi, Turmeric, Chilies, Cinnamon, Cloves, contain 10-50 times more antioxidants, compared to even Blueberries.
The antioxidants contained in spices include some very powerful protection against many serious illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Find out the health benefits of 99+ of the most potent herbs and spices you can eat.
Read More and Download Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: 99 Herbs, 99 magic herbs, herbal remedies, alternative medicine, by Mallika Dhingra, ancient medicines, herbs and spices, culinary herbs and spices, Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices, powerful health benefits, depression, cancer, dementia, gout, diabetes, ADHD, headaches, strokes, blood pressure, improve your overall health, antioxidants, detoxify your body, proven benefits of herbs and spices

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 453 | Date: 2017-12-30

"This is a great book for women of all ages. I truly enjoyed it."
"I fully recommend this to teens, moms of young girls, and, really, women of any age."
"Beautifully written and full of practical advice to becoming the woman God created each of us to be!"

As a teenager I struggled with self-esteem, confidence, and mental disorders – Obsessive Compulsive and depression. I was a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, and starving for affirmation and validation. All these things combined made me desperate for any kind of positive attention I could get. I was afraid I would never be good enough, because I never felt like I was.
If you, or someone you know, can relate to what I shared, this book is for you.

Through the telling of my story, my hope is that the girls who read this book will know that they are not alone, that there is a place to find real, fulfilling self-worth, and that I am right there with them on this journey to being Your Whole You. 

Read More and Download Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Self-Esteem, The Teen Girl's Journey to, Self-Worth, Body Image, Mr. Right, and Being Your Whole You, Self-esteem and teenagers, boost self-esteem in teenage girls, Ways To Build Your Teenager's Self-Esteem, parenting and relationships, Boost Your Teenage Daughter's Self Esteem, self help guide

Self Help | Transitions: 352 | Date: 2017-12-29

"The author provides very good insight in a way I've never encountered before. This book is well-written, informative, and full of great information."

Have You Ever Wondered What The Hidden Truth Behind Your Emotions Is?
You feel sad, happy, satisfied, angry, jealous but what’s the true meaning of all those emotions? Can you take advantage of your emotions and let them lead you to success?

Understanding your emotions has always been a struggle. Until now!
By reading this thought-provoking book, you’ll start to understand the essence of emotions and the consequences they can have on both your personal and professional life. 

Start Using The Power Of Your Own Emotions NOW! 
A Step-By-Step Guide To Understanding Your Emotions! Get Your Copy Now. Click Here

Tags: How Do Emotions Work, Get the Right Things Done through Science and Spirituality, what are emotions, how your emotions work, why emotions matter, how to master your emotions, the power of emotions, mental health, achieve emotional success, human emotions and success, achieve self control and success

Self Help | Transitions: 386 | Date: 2017-12-22

"Would recommend to anyone who is looking to success his life."
"Well written, easy to follow, a great program and meditations included. Loved it!"

Are you feeling stressed, maxed out, and maybe a bit numb?
Do you find your life unfulfilling and don’t understand how other people are successful, smiling, and always achieve their goals?

Welcome To The Wonderful Journey That Mindfulness Can Start For You!
Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and overcome obstacles.
Seven simple steps will lead you to a life-changing experience!

Start Your Life Anew! Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: 7 Simple Steps to Transform Your Life, Mindfulness Secrets to Success and Happier Life, self help guide, achieve your goals, become more successful, how to be successful in life, ways to be successful, how to gain and keep success, meditation guide, overcome stress, stress management, transform your life

Self Help | Transitions: 395 | Date: 2017-12-21

"This book was an excellent read and will be well worth your time if you are even remotely interested in what your experience may be like if you were to interview for a position at Google or for the CIA. But more importantly, it is a great read for those who want a quick down and dirty refresher on America's politics."

Smooth Bourbon: An Education in Government, Google, and the CIA is the true story about one man’s fateful intersection between American government, one of the most elusive organizations in the world, and one of the most powerful corporations in existence today. 
It delves deep into the framework of U.S government, and touches on sobering problems inherent within the Constitutional design; while at the same time, interweaving stories that range from intriguing to humorous. 
Smooth Bourbon: An Education in Government, Google, and the CIA is intended for both high school or college level students that know very little about government, to better informed readers that are familiar with American government and are interested in hearing a fresh perspective. 
This book is also intended for those interested in the intrigue around the CIA, and for those interested in learning exactly what it’s like to work for Google. 

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Smooth Bourbon: An Education in Government, Google, and the CIA, America's history of government, American Government, American constitution, Central Intelligence Agency – CIA, Working at Google, What it's like to work for Google, politics and government, informative, educational, high school, college

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 402 | Date: 2017-12-21

Wisdom of Friends with Kal Aras
A heart to heart talk show where I interview fascinating, inspiring and eclectic people in our community who are living extraordinary lives; capture and share their wisdom and  celebrate their life.
We dig deeper into their life's journey;  their goals, their struggles, and their aspirations. 
We discover how they came to identify their purpose, their values, and their philosophy on life, success, and contribution.

Learn More About Wisdom of Friends Products
* Audio Book - The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love. Click Here
(Would you like to have a breakthrough in love? What if there was a pathway to Self Love and Peace that was hidden from your view all along?)
OUR BESTSELLER * The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love. Click Here
(This book is designed to inspire “ordinary people” to take an active role in bringing more peace, more love and more joy and self expression to their daily life experiences.)
* 60 minute Business Coaching Session with Kal Aras. Click Here
(The tools and perspective you need to go from point A to point B)
Tags: Wisdom of Friends, Kal Aras, professional speaker, author, social entrepreneur, Wisdom of Friends products, WOF, WOF products, The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love, 60 minute Business Coaching Session, motivational speaker, business coach, inspiring, motivational, self help, personal development, personal growth, personal transformation, support and grow your business

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 323 | Date: 2017-12-19

Sеlf-imрrоvеmеnt ѕtаrtѕ with уоu, аnd if уоu аrе ѕitting аrоund wаiting fоr something remarkable tо happen tо уоu withоut mаking changes, уоu will bе wаiting a vеrу long timе аnd nеvеr ѕее results. 
Dоn't wаit until your world starts fаlling араrt. Many of uѕ dо that because сhаngе iѕn't аlwауѕ easy, but ignoring сhаngе оnlу wоrѕеnѕ the ѕituаtiоn. Thеrе is nо need tо resist оr fеаr сhаngе. Rеmеmbеr if you соntinuе to do thе ѕаmе thingѕ in thе ѕаmе way, уоu will gеt the ѕаmе results. 
There iѕ a lоt you саn dо to initiate ѕеlf-imрrоvеmеnt in your life аnd I strongly bеliеvеѕ thаt оnсе уоu bеgin making сhаngеѕ, really роѕitivе thingѕ start hарреning in уоur lifе. It оnlу tаkеѕ making оnе mоvе, one асtiоn to bring аbоut beneficial сhаngеѕ into your life. 

Get Your Copy Now and Discover an IMPROVED YOU! Click Here
FREE PROMOTION 26-30 December 2017
Tags: Seven Life Changing Areas in Life to Discover a New You, Identifying Yourself and Leading a new life, Mark Tim, find your new you, self help guide, personal transformation, personal growth, achieve your goals, personal development, motivational, inspirational, inspiring, life changing, happier life

Self Help | Transitions: 444 | Date: 2017-12-17

Ever wanted to run your own events or concerts? 
This simple how to guide details the steps you can take to running your own events (results may vary).
Written by an author who have run well over 300 events.
An easy to follow guide applicable for concerts and all kind of events.

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: How (Not) To Run A Concert, A Simple Inside Guide On How To Promote Your Own Concerts & Events For Profit, how to successfully promote your event, how to market an event, How to Promote a Concert, Steps To Promote A Successful Concert or events, tips and tricks, ultimate guide, event promotion, concert promotion

Entertainment | Transitions: 409 | Date: 2017-12-15

"Five Stars. Funny and Informative. I loved it. Highly recommend it!"

A beginner's guide to fitness nutrition. 
This eBook does not just tell you what to do, but it explains WHY. 
A science-based and evidence-based approach with clear explanations so that users can actually learn how nutrition works for themselves. 
This humorous, yet informative guide is a pleasure to read, despite its educational nature. 
If you are even considering making some healthy lifestyle changes, pick this guide up for a low price!

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: DO THE WORK (and the Math): A No-Bullshit Guide to Getting Fit, Alivia Rogers, fitness nutrition, healthy eating, diet and weight maintenance, meal planning, workout nutrition, weight loss, fitness and dieting

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 431 | Date: 2017-12-11

"This book is definitely in the top 100 of all the books I have ever read and I have read a lot. It kept me so engaged after just the first paragraph, I couldn’t stop turning the pages."

"Deep down he knew what he felt. He knew that he had done it. He was sure of that. He had felt it leave his body. He had felt the surge of power.
He didn’t know exactly how he had done it, or if he could do it again, but for that moment he knew he had tapped into something that was going to change the world.
And it felt good."

Robert Finlay has been hurt. He is lying in hospital on the edge of life and death. But when he wakes he finds he is a changed young man.
On the day he discovers he has a strange supernatural power that he can use at will, he also discovers his life will never be the same again, as he is gaining unwanted attention from those who seek to use him for their own devices. 

Available in Kindle and Paperback
Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here

Tags: Pulse, Matthew Wade, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi novels you must read, popular science fiction novels, thriller and suspense, thriller novel, suspenseful novels you should read, supernatural fiction books, supernatural thriller books, Popular Sci Fi Fantasy Supernatural Books, paranormal fiction

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 404 | Date: 2017-12-10

How To Become The Person Who You Want To Be

"The book opened my eyes about how thinking and thoughts shape the way we perceive our life and how we feel about it. I strongly recommend it to everyone. It has already inspired me to do positive changes in my life."

Do you want to gain clarity of who you are?
Do you want to boost your imagination and memory?
Do you want to improve every day effortlessly?

This simple book will completely change your perspective on journals and allow you to understand all of the small blessings you have in your daily life. Furthermore, it will guide you on step-by-step process to help to achieve these benefits successfully! 

Learn More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Your Memory Fragments, How to Become the Ideal Person You Imagine, Become the person you want to be, self help guide, motivational, inspiring, inspirational, become more successful, change your life, achieve your goals, personal growth, personal development, make positive changes, be your own leader

Self Help | Transitions: 400 | Date: 2017-12-09

A fresh new perspective on self love. 
Lets follow the path together towards a happy life filled with inspiration and hope.

I think you are amazing.
We are in this together and I have a plan.
Things are getting ready to change for you.
All you need is to walk your path with pride and the feeling of love for all humans. Trust me it will work.

Author Debbie S Stratton takes you on a journey towards finding your happy self. 
This book is illustrated lightly with a focus on following your life path and living each moment with kindness and love. 

Available in Kindle and Paperback
Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: I got to be here, Debbie S Stratton, a book of hope, inspiring book of hope, inspirational, motivational, self love, find your happiness, make yourself happy, books on hope and inspiration, inspirational books, change your life, self help books, books to give you hope, inspiring books you must read

Self Help | Transitions: 401 | Date: 2017-12-07

"Short but incredibly informative read. Anyone interested in juicing should read it."

This is a short, informative look at what fresh fruit and vegetable juicing is, what it isn't, and why you need to incorporate it into your everyday diet. It is informative enough that the most experienced juicers will learn, but casual enough that it isn't overwhelming.

This book WILL NOT guarantee you to lose fifty pounds, but it is possible.
This book WILL help you make informed decisions about getting back to your body's potential without buying some gimmicky program that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars.

If you've ever wondered what the fuss with this 'juicing craze' was all about, this is the book for you.

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Fresh, The Essential Guide to Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing, The Juicing Craze, juicing guide for beginners, health and weight loss, healthy guide to juicing, how to juice at home, juicing health benefits, is juicing really good, informative guide, ultimate guide, tips and tricks, advice, fresh juicing, healthy diet

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 402 | Date: 2017-12-05

When seventeen-year-old Artison Miller dies in one of his dreams and ends up stuck in the Dream World as his afterlife, he meets other dreamers who are trapped with no understanding of why they ended up there or how to get back to Earth.

Artison soon discovers that his death was not by accident, and that many more dreamers from Earth are in danger of the same fate, as a dark and vengeful hand seeks a set of objects called the Dreamers' Relics to pull more dreamers out of their beds and into the wrong afterlife.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: The Dreamers' Relics: Dream World Trilogy, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi novels you should read, fantasy novels 2017, popular fantasy novels, magical realism books, dream world, best magical realism novels, magical realism in literature, fantasy novels online, fantasy books that you must read

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 400 | Date: 2017-12-02

Three Guides to Help You Describe, Price, and Promote Used Books on Amazon and Make More Money

Want to sell your used books on Amazon faster, for higher prices… and receive great online reviews from your customers?
This easy-to-read box set of the first three books in my Sell Books Fast Online eBook series will teach you how to market and price your used books in a way that will help you generate a constant cash flow from your books.

Whether you’re a college student reselling your textbooks or someone who’d like to turn your personal library into a source of income, you need this book!

Read More and Buy Now. Click Here
Tags: How to Sell Used Books on Amazon, How to Sell Used Textbooks on Amazon, making more money selling used books, home based business, generate extra income, make more money online, small business ideas, selling used books on amazon 2017, sell books fast online, tips to sell used books on amazon

Marketing | Transitions: 438 | Date: 2017-12-01

Cryptocurrencies are the next big thing, which will change the way we interact in daily basis for example the way we buy our morning coffee or how we place an order in Amazon. 
The popularity of Bitcoin coming from the rise of a new technology, which is called Blockchain. 
Blockchain will change the way we conduct financial transactions and it will create opportunities for early investors. 

The purpose of this book is to highlight that scams are everywhere and it is our job to evaluate them, before we place our funds in a specific cryptocurrency with the form of ICO – Initial Coin Offering. 
Learn more about the criteria for evaluation of an ICO, where to find them and where to store them if you decide that they worth your money. 

Read More and Download Your Copy of ICO Crowdfunding Now! Click Here
Tags: ICO Crowdfunding, A Self-Assessment Guide of how to Evaluate, Invest and Store Initial Coin Offerings, Manos Paraskevas, business and finances, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Initial Coin Offering guide, What is An Initial Coin Offering, investing and making money from an ICO, complete ICO guide

Business/Finances | Transitions: 442 | Date: 2017-11-27

"I have struggled with anxiety for years. I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to read follow and understand. I definitely recommend it to everyone who's sitting at home like me to scared to go anywhere and enjoy life."

Are you ready to become the boss of your own life? 

In Anxiety: The Proven Guide to Beating Anxiety and Getting Control of Your Life, McGregor reveals the truth behind anxiety and what causes it, casting aside stigma for an effective approach that helps those suffering from anxiety to overcome their fear and the panic attacks which often accompany anxiety.
This guidebook shows you not just how to cope with anxiety, but also how to beat it and start living the life that you truly desire without fear. 

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: Anxiety, The Proven Guide to Beating Anxiety and Getting Control of Your Life, fight your fears, how to fight anxiety, top tips and advice, ultimate guide, effective ways how to fight anxiety, life without anxiety, self help guide, self help book, best books on overcoming anxiety, best anxiety self help books

Self Help | Transitions: 391 | Date: 2017-11-22

An unpredictable U.S. president. Trumped by the Russians.
A ruthless assassin known as The Contractor.
He has orders dangerous enough to launch World War III. 
The Contractor has never failed on a mission. 
Only one woman could stop him. And she works in the White House.
The Secret Service has reason to be afraid.
No one survives the Contractor.

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: The Contractor, Frank Okolo, thriller and suspense, terrorist thriller novels, popular terrorism novels, best terrorism novels, terrorism thriller books, Contractor of terrorist attack, terrorist contractor, US, USA, United States, US President, United Stated President, World War 3, World War III, African, Russian

Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense | Transitions: 390 | Date: 2017-11-21

A mysterious scientist performs experiments on a former employee, continuing her march to world domination and answering the question, "What if zombies could eat all they could eat?"

Full-color gore rended by artist Bunny "Artauxeo" Pasiq 

Plot and story from author Grivante's The Zee Brothers: Zombie Exterminators Universe

Download Now. Click Here
Tags: The Zee Brothers, Zombie Buffet Mini Comic, Zombie Exterminators, best zombie graphic novel, popular zombie graphic novels, a zombie short story, sci-fi, science fiction and fantasy, sci-fi and fantasy, graphic novels, zombie comics, best zombie comics and graphic novels, What are the best zombie graphic novels

Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense | Transitions: 434 | Date: 2017-11-21

Meal Prep Ideas
Simple and easy to follow for busy individuals

"Beautiful cover, very well written. I especially like the recipes. Easy to understand and very useful to get the most out of food with less waste."

Meal prepping is not just for body building or for weight loss. This practice of prepping ingredients or even whole meals in advance is a great money-saving device. Because everything is planned out and accounted for, shopping lists only contain ingredients that will be used within the week (or month.) Food waste is greatly reduced. Only essentials will be stored in the freezer, fridge, and pantry.

Read More and Get Your FREE Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Meal Prep Ideas, brilliant meal prep ideas, easy and healthy meal prep ideas, delicious meal prep ideas, quick and healthy, meal plan for busy families, meal prep ideas for busy moms, quick meal ideas for busy individuals, make meals in advance, prepare meals in advance, cookbooks, plan healthy meals in advance

Cookbooks/Health/Weight Loss | Transitions: 455 | Date: 2017-11-20

"I loved this book and could not put it down. It is a tender love story full of suspense."

Abby is alone…again. As a child, she learned how to be self-reliant, mask her emotions, and fade into the scenery. When she witnesses the murder of someone she loves, Abby must utilize these vital skills to stay alive. 
Abby retreats to her home state of Texas to lay low. When Bruce MacAlister walks into her life, determined to get to know her, he draws the kind of attention she doesn’t need. With new battle lines drawn, Abby has to make a choice – stay and endanger more lives than her own; or run, and be alone forever. 

Read More and Download Now. Click Here
Tags: Abby's Road, A Romantic Suspense Novel, Susan Byrde, romantic suspense 2017, romantic suspense books, romantic suspense novels, best romantic suspense, popular romantic suspense novels, suspense love stories, mystery love novels, suspenseful romance, beautiful love stories with suspense, best sellers

Mystery/Crime/Thriller/Suspense | Transitions: 447 | Date: 2017-11-18

Fascinating Facts for the Whole Family
Trivia about Human Body and Cute Animals 
(Cats, Dogs, Pandas, Horses and Pigs)

A compilation of facts suitable for children. 
This book will entice them into reading and learning new stuff while having fun.
The book contains 600+ pieces of trivia and is covering topics that kids love: cute animals and human body. The lack of explicit sexuality, foul language or gore makes it a good read for anyone in the age range 8-18 years (and their parents too).

Fascinating Facts for the Whole Family is loaded with verified facts and will provide you with hours of entertainment.
Get your copy now. Click Here
Tags: Fascinating Facts for the Whole Family, Trivia about Human Body and Cute Animals, Nayden Kostov, children’s books, children’s educational books, kids and teens, family books, illustrated family books, illustrated children’s books, best trivia, fun facts and trivia, entertaining, interesting facts and trivia

Education/Community/How To's | Transitions: 381 | Date: 2017-11-17

The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the questions we ask. 

7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life, is a concise blueprint that guides you through deep reflections to decipher the clues that are already in your life. The clues that point you to the path of your greatest life. These clues can be used to help create a new North Star that will move you forward with renewed confidence, inspiration, and passion. This book shows you how to read those clues.
In 7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life, you will be guided to develop clarity and also learn the one question that will enable you to look within for the answers to move forward on any dreams of your heart. 

Step into a new approach for living and find yourself moving confidently in the direction of your most extraordinary life in every way…finding authentic joy, happiness, love, and fulfillment. 

Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: 7 Powerful Questions to Discover Your Dream Life, The First Step toward Authentic Joy, Happiness, and Fulfillment, self help books, self help guides, live a happier life, achieve your goals, personal development, personal growth, be happier and more successful, Steps To Living Your Dream Life, how to live your dream life, be happy while achieving your goals, inspiring, motivational

Self Help | Transitions: 414 | Date: 2017-11-17

"Great read on the fundamentals of analysing people! Recommend this book!"
"Brilliant, insightful and well worth the read. Highly recommended!"

Would you like to be able to evaluate people through their body language and other hidden secrets?
Would you like know more about who they really are, rather than who they say they are?

You can learn the secrets of this with How to Analyze People, a book which will help you to interpret both the verbal and nonverbal clues that give away a person’s true self.
By reading this book you will become more astute when it comes to seeing people as they really are, spotting the ones who could be friends and giving you early warning of the ones who may become foes.

Get a copy of How to Analyze People today and see how it can work for you! Click Here
Tags: How To Analyze People, Sam Tumkaew, Proven Techniques, Analyze People Through Body Language, Human Psychology and Personality, analyze someone's personality, Proven Techniques To Analyzing People, Body Language, Human Behavior, Human Psychology, self help guide, tips and tricks, advice

Self Help | Transitions: 342 | Date: 2017-11-15

"I love the authors style of writing, it had the perfect mix of drama and love, the ending felt a little rushed but I loved it!!"
"Really loved the storyline, oh and the hot parts!"

Not all Happily Ever Afters Last Forever…

This is what I keep telling myself over and over again as it’s so stunning and insane that it doesn’t even seem real-
My Boyfriend is a Billionaire.
That’s right--a billionaire. A famous, rich, successful billionaire.

If you enjoy billionaire bad boys, nice guys, BBW Billionaire Romance, alpha personalities, and tons of steamy romance fun, then this billionaire BBW erotic romance is exactly what you crave.

Available in Kindle and Paperback
Read More and Get Your Copy Now. Click Here
Tags: Billionaire Boyfriend, A BBW Billionaire Romance, Popular Billionaire Romance Books, billionaire romances, sexy billionaire romance novels, The best billionaire romance novels, women’s fiction, hot, sexy, erotic, billionaire bad boys, alpha personalities, Popular Steamy Romance Books

Love/Romance | Transitions: 388 | Date: 2017-11-10

A science fiction novel that evolves around four worlds. It moves from Medieval to futuristic time lines. It’s about a king trying to kill his son, a son trying to dethrone his father and a daughter out to rule her own kingdom!

"It's an extremely fast paced book with full of adventure. The characters were very inventive and they make sure to engage you from the start." Barnes&Noble
"Realm of Wolves is a compelling story that will have the reader hooked from the very beginning." Barnes&Noble

The door burst open to the queen's bedchamber. The startled queen held her baby close to her chest and stood close to the bassinet. She was wearing a long white dress with a gold necklace. Her crown was glistening from the light that came through the window.

Wolff slowly walked through the door and up to the queen. She knew why he was there and held her child close to her. Wolff reached out to the baby with a look of regret. She hoped this day never came, but she was told the day they were born it was going to happen, no matter what she did.

Available in paperback and Nook book
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Tags: Realm Of Wolves, Blood Lineage, Chris Parrott, Thomas Parrott, futuristic sci-fi novels, futuristic science fiction books, fantasy, galaxy, Fast-paced Sci-fi, fast paced sci-fi fantasy books, imaginative, intriguing, thrilling, popular sci fi books, best sci-fi novels, action, exciting, best sellers, mind trip, unique, entertaining

Fantasy & Sci-fi | Transitions: 345 | Date: 2017-11-06